Esperienza e apprendimento del vero Tantra, per singoli o gruppi

Amethyst Dharma Center

Milano (Italy)





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The Tantric Massage

To receive a Tantric massage in Milan (only for women), read here

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What is Tantric Massage?

In the path of Tantra, massage has an important role.

Unfortunately, the term "tantra massage" often conjures up an erotic massage ending with a sexual release. In truth, massage in Tantra practice has a deeper role and function. Milan

Touch can be a portal to Eternal. It isn't the only portal, but is one of the available portals. In Vijnana Bhairava, the most ancient Tantric treatise, Shiva Says to Shakti:

"Sweet Princess, whilst being caressed, enter the caress as ever-lasting life".

If we are able to enter the caress totally, can we too enter the realm of everlasting life. Milan

Tantra aims to realize the union of opposites, the meeting of yin and yang, and also the divine union beyond the apparent separation. In fact, one of the ways in which tantra massage differs from most of massage techniques is in the fact that both yin and yang energies are included and utilized. A standard massage, like you would get in a spa, usually focuses only on the yin energy (in other words, energy of relaxation). A tantra massage includes both yin energies and yang energies, that are stimulating forces. Tantric massage weaves between relaxation and stimulation like a masterpiece of music would build up and break down. This weaving, dancing, meeting and uniting of polar energies will realize the union of yin and yang energies and of all opposite energies within the receiver, so as to experience a fulfilling sense of completeness and a deep sense of peace.  Milan

Since tantric massage works with energy, it is possible to give it without even touching the sexual organs. Yin and yang energies can be stimulated and rested through the spine and through the energy body. Althoug orgasmic states are not an essential part of tantra massage, it's important to notice that some people could even attain full body orgasmic experiences with their clothes on.  Milan

However, if conditions of the client are suitable (at legal, emotional, psychological level), then the genitals might be included in the massage, in order to unify the sexual organs with the rest of the body. Too often we treat the sexual organs as something separate, and then they feel energetically cut off from the rest of the body. It is extremely hard to have a full body orgasmic experience when the genitals are feeling separate from the whole.  Milan

By facilitating the union of sexual organs with the rest of the body, Tantra massage facilitates the union of sexual energy with all other life force energies flowing through us. Even if the receiver does not have a very orgasmic experience during the massage, they will find that it makes a difference to the way their energy flows in them the next time they make love. Many couples have received great benefits for their love-life after receiving some Tantric massages.

Sexual organ massage can also help release past sexual traumas, when given by a well-trained therapist.

Tantra massage can be given either by a professional or by a partner (that can be a friend or a lover).  Milan

For massages given by a professional tantric masseurs, some people point out the necessity of an energetic and emotional distance that the therapist would have to mantain towards the client.  Milan

It's said that a huge part of the healing benefits of tantra massage is to surrender into a safe space. So, some tantric pratictioners think that the term "safe" means that the therapist is a therapist, and not a lover, since the interaction with a lover entails an energy exchange that doesn't have to occur during a session. Milan    MIlan
According to this point of view, a well-trained therapist would simply have to observe the client’s flow of sexual energy, without engaging with it or exchanging energy. This way - it's said - would allow the recipient to surrender in a deeper way.

Nevertheless, such a statement is incompatible with Tantra principles. It reveals that a lot of fears and mental patterns are still present even in people who offer tantra learning or sessions.   Milan    MIlan

Energy exchange (at many levels) always occurs. We cannot avoid it. It occurs even during a conversation (no matter if with a therapist or a friend or a stranger person).   Milan    Milan

Stated and realized that an energetic exchange always occurs, we can notice that during a standard massage session (both eastern and western), the therapist has to give the massage according to his role (determined by ethics and laws), being careful not to express any emotions might raise within him. In that case, the therapist has to act only as a therapist. But in case of tantric massage, things go differently.   Milan    Milan

In fact, what distinguishes Tantra, is that during a Tantric massage session, ethics and social rules with their limits are overtaken and dissolved. No more need of strain emotions, no more need of reciting and pretending to be what we are not. Both the receiver and the tantric therapist are free to feel all their energies, just as they are and raise. Each one is simply himself.   Tantric massage in Milan

This doesn't mean that every therapist feels aroused while giving a Tantric massage; but it means that if it happened, it would increase the kundalini flow on the pratictioner, and it would create an atmosphere in which all things appear just as they are. Provided, obviously, that the tantric operator have the maximum respect for the receiver and don't push the receiver to end the session with undesired sexual acts.   Tantra massage in Milan

You could ask the therapists if they have their own tantric practice. They may practice tantric yoga or tantric meditations. Any of these practices enhances their ability to give a true tantric transmission.
In order to understand what sort of massage they perform, you can ask the therapist what is the aim with the sexual energy in the massage. If they say “to have an orgasm” or “to be pleasured until release”, then this is an erotic massage. If they say something like “to help you to relax around sexual energy and let it flow around the whole body” or “to feel relaxed and natural in the whole body”, then this is more likely a tantric massage.

If you want to receive tantric massage but cannot find a therapist you want to work with, another option if to go with a lover or close friend of the opposite sex to a workshop that includes elements of tantra massage. Our course calendar is available here.

You can ask for a Tantric massage in Milan by contacting me at:

Tantra cos'è

Dorje Shiayvam Atothas


Founder of the Amethyst Yoga method

Enlisted in the Teachers page (presence in the world) of the World Yoga and Ayurveda community -

Affiliated to European Yoga Federation

Cos'è il Tantra


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Try an individual Tantra session.

Are you nearby Milan?

You can write me at:

After a talk, we will see what can be done: simple exercises, or some couple meditations, or even - if you are a woman - a tantric massage session.

Session price:

€ 40 (1 hour).

For group events and other information about learning, please see the page  courses.

Cos'è il TANTRA


INFORMATIVA - Il sottoscritto Tantra Master indipendente, dichiara che lo stesso, durante una seduta di pratiche tantriche, oppure durante un seminario / corso di Tantra, non effettua diagnosi mediche o psicologiche, non prescrive né vende né consiglia in alcun modo la somministrazione di farmaci, creme, unguenti o qualunque altro medicamento, e non prevede che la persona sottoposta a trattamento venga costretta ad alcunché.

Lo stesso informa, già in questa sede, e dichiara, che chi riceve un massaggio Tantra o partecipa a un seminario/corso di Tantra viene informato che il metodo, così come praticato e tramandato da questa Scuola in aderenza alla Tradizione orientale comporterà un momento in cui si riceverà l'imposizione delle mani a contatto con il corpo del ricevente senza l'interposizione di indumenti.

Il ricevente è altresì informato che in ogni momento del trattamento o del corso, ove si ritenga invitato a fare o a ricevere qualsiasi cosa che possa disturbarlo, ha il dovere di avvertire l'operatore ed è in piena facoltà di interrompere l'attività. La via Tantrica è una via di libertà e di integrazione, all’insegna della sobrietà e del rispetto di ogni essere umano.

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